Thursday, October 21, 2010

James 5:12 "... let your 'Yes' be 'Yes', and your 'No' be 'No'..."

Do you remember when you used to say things, as a kid, like "cross my heart and hope to die or stick a needle in my eye"? Anytime I was ever trying to convince someone of the truth, I would 'swear' to them that they can believe me. But what James is telling us here is that we don't need to be crossing our hearts or anything like that... he simply encourages us to stick with a straight-forward & honest 'Yes' or 'No'.

I've found that the best way for my 'Yes' to be 'Yes' and my 'No' be 'No', is to allow my actions to speak louder than my words. What we say needs to always line up with what we do. That is a foundational principle with establishing character in one's life.

We are representatives of our King. We serve the Most High God. And we have the best example when it comes to 'character', and that is Jesus Himself.

In Christ <><

A.E. Sexton

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